JAB Locksmith -Hillside

Skilled Technicians

Mobile Locksmith Services

For prompt, professional locksmith Hillside services call JAB Locksmiths Hillside on 8390 8390. Locked out or moving in to a property and need your locks rekeyed and upgraded call us for a free quote.
Hillside is a suburb that has grown into a small little village, JAB Locksmiths Hillside are proud to be working in Hillside to upgrade residents security. Thinking, should I get my locks rekeyed in my new property?? well the correct and only answer is yes, home security is the most important thing when moving in to your new premises. You never know how many keys are out there, with all tradesman over the years building your new home, its best for peace of mind to get them changed and even upgraded. Locksmith Hillside residents have trusted JAB Locksmiths over many years and are a house hold name around the area. JAB Locksmiths Hillside likes to put back in the community by rewarding customers when the search for locksmith Hillside and call JAB Locksmiths Hillside on 8390 8390 we offer FREE keys for life when you get your locks rekeyed on your house. Check out our policy on this , We also offer LIFE time guarantee on all locks fitted by JAB Locksmiths qualified tradesman.
YALE Fire Resistant Safes
JAB Locksmiths supply’s quality Yale fire resistant safes to residents all over Melbourne ring us on 8390 8390 for qualified and FREE advice on a suitable safe for your requirements. Check out YALE website for more great safes
Safes are all about time, when a burglar breaks in they want to be in and out as quick as possible, with a safe supplied and bolted down it hopefully make it that much harder so when you come home and find your home been robbed all your personal belonging that were locked in the safe still there.